program pegawai dengan menggunakan bahasapemerogrmaan pascal serta flowchart
Program Pegawai Memakai Procedure
Program DataPegawai; Uses Wincrt; Var nama :array[1..100]of string; kerja:array [1..100]of char; nip, gol, jam, Gapok, Insentif, Gaber :array[1..100]of longint; a,n,gaji:longint; ulang,kembali:char; proceduregaris; begin writeln('=================================='); end; procedurenamapegawai; begin If (nip[n]) = 1 then begin nama[n] := 'YosepDwiAnjani'; Writeln('Nama : ', (nama[n])); end else if (nip[n]) = 2 then begin nama[n] := 'RisalAgustian'; Writeln('Nama : ', (nama[n])); end else if (nip[n]) = 3 then begin nama[n] := 'IdhamHanif N'; Writeln('Nama : ', (nama[n])); end else begin write('Nama : ');readln(nama[n]); end; end; proceduregolongan; begin If (gol[n]) = 1 then Gapok[n]:= 1000000 else if (gol[n]) = 2 then Gapok[n]:=1500000 else if (gol[n]) = 3 then Gapok[n]:=2000000 Else begin Gapok[n]:=0; writeln('golongan yang andamasukantidakada'); readkey; donewincrt; end; end; procedurelembur; begin ifupcase(kerja[n]) ='Y' then begin Write('Lama KerjaTambahan (jam) : ');Readln(jam[n]); if (jam[n]) >20 then Insentif[n]:=(jam[n])*20000 else if (jam[n])>=10 then insentif[n] :=(jam[n])*10000 else Insentif[n]:=(jam[n])*5000; Writeln('Insentif : Rp. ',(insentif[n])); Gaber[n]:=Gapok[n]+Insentif[n] ; end else begin gaber[n]:=Gapok[n]; jam[n]:=0; insentif[n]:=0; end; end; procedurelaporan; begin clrscr; writeln('Laporan Data PegawaidanGajiPegawai '); garis; writeln('| | | | | | | | | '); writeln('| No | NIP | NamaPegawai |Gol|GajiPokok|JamLembur|Insentif |GajiBersih| '); writeln('| | | | | | | | | '); garis; writeln; for a:=1 to n do begin gotoxy(1,a+7);write('|'); gotoxy(3,a+7);write(a); gotoxy(6,a+7);write('|'); gotoxy(8,a+7);write(nip[a]); gotoxy(12,a+7);write('|'); gotoxy(13,a+7);write(nama[a]); gotoxy(29,a+7);write('|'); gotoxy(31,a+7);write(gol[a]); gotoxy(33,a+7);write('|'); gotoxy(34,a+7);write(gapok[a]); gotoxy(44,a+7);write('|'); gotoxy(45,a+7);write(jam[a]); gotoxy(55,a+7);write('|'); gotoxy(56,a+7);write(insentif[a]); gotoxy(65,a+7);write('|'); gotoxy(68,a+7);write(gaber[a]); gotoxy(77,a+7);write('|'); gaji:=gaji+(gaber[a]); end; writeln; writeln; writeln (' Total GajiPegawai Yang Harus Di bayaradalahRp. ',gaji); readln; end; procedureutama; begin n:=0; repeat n:=n+1; Clrscr; gotoxy(28,2);Writeln('SelamatDatang'); gotoxy(20,3);Writeln('Entri Data PegawaiKelompok 3'); garis; Writeln; Write('NIP : ');Readln(nip[n]); namapegawai; Write('Golongan (1,2,3): ');Readln(gol[n]); golongan; writeln('GajiPokok : Rp. ', Gapok[n]); write('Ada KerjaTambahan y/t? ');readln(kerja[n]); lembur; Writeln('GajiBersih : Rp. ', (Gaber[n])); write('Tambah data Pegawai (y/t): ');readln(ulang); untilupcase(Ulang) <> 'Y'; end; begin kembali:='Y' ; whileupcase(kembali) = 'Y' do begin gaji:=0; utama; laporan; write('inginulangiAplikasi(y/t) ? ');readln(kembali); ifupcase(kembali)='T' then donewincrt; end; end. Program PegawaiMemakaiIf Program DataPegawai; Uses Wincrt; Var nama :array[1..100]of string; kerja:array [1..100]of char; nip, gol, jam, Gapok, Insentif, Gaber :array[1..100]of longint; a,n,gaji:longint; ulang,kembali:char; proceduregaris; begin writeln('==================================='); end; begin kembali:='Y' ; whileupcase(kembali) = 'Y' do begin gaji:=0; n:=0; repeat n:=n+1; Clrscr; gotoxy(28,2);Writeln('SelamatDatang'); gotoxy(20,3);Writeln('Entri Data PegawaiKelompok 3'); garis; Writeln; Write('NIP : ');Readln(nip[n]); If (nip[n]) = 1 then begin nama[n] := 'YosepDwiAnjani'; Writeln('Nama : ', (nama[n])); end else if (nip[n]) = 2 then begin nama[n] := 'RisalAgustian'; Writeln('Nama : ', (nama[n])); end else if (nip[n]) = 3 then begin nama[n] := 'IdhamHanif N'; Writeln('Nama : ', (nama[n])); end else begin write('Nama : ');readln(nama[n]); end; Write('Golongan (1,2,3): ');Readln(gol[n]); If (gol[n]) = 1 then Gapok[n]:= 1000000 else if (gol[n]) = 2 then Gapok[n]:=1500000 else if (gol[n]) = 3 then Gapok[n]:=2000000 Else begin Gapok[n]:=0; writeln('golongan yang andamasukanTidakada'); readkey; donewincrt; end; writeln('GajiPokok : Rp. ', Gapok[n]); write('Ada KerjaTambahan y/t? ');readln(kerja[n]); ifupcase(kerja[n]) ='Y' then begin Write('Lama KerjaTambahan (jam) : ');Readln(jam[n]); if (jam[n]) >20 then Insentif[n]:=(jam[n])*20000 else if (jam[n]) >=10 then insentif[n] :=(jam[n])*10000 else Insentif[n]:=(jam[n])*5000; Writeln('Insentif : Rp. ',(insentif[n])); Gaber[n]:=Gapok[n]+Insentif[n] ; end else begin gaber[n]:=Gapok[n]; jam[n]:=0; insentif[n]:=0; end; Writeln('GajiBersih : Rp. ', (Gaber[n])); write('Tambah data Pegawai (y/t): ');readln(ulang); untilupcase(Ulang) <> 'Y'; clrscr; writeln('Laporan Data PegawaidanGajiPegawai '); garis; writeln('| | | | | | | | | '); writeln('| No | NIP | NamaPegawai |Gol|GajiPokok|JamLembur|Insentif |GajiBersih| '); writeln('| | | | | | | | | '); garis; writeln; for a:=1 to n do begin gotoxy(1,a+7);write('|'); gotoxy(3,a+7);write(a); gotoxy(6,a+7);write('|'); gotoxy(8,a+7);write(nip[a]); gotoxy(12,a+7);write('|'); gotoxy(13,a+7);write(nama[a]); gotoxy(29,a+7);write('|'); gotoxy(31,a+7);write(gol[a]); gotoxy(33,a+7);write('|'); gotoxy(34,a+7);write(gapok[a]); gotoxy(44,a+7);write('|'); gotoxy(45,a+7);write(jam[a]); gotoxy(55,a+7);write('|'); gotoxy(56,a+7);write(insentif[a]); gotoxy(65,a+7);write('|'); gotoxy(68,a+7);write(gaber[a]); gotoxy(77,a+7);write('|'); gaji:=gaji+(gaber[a]); end; writeln; writeln; writeln (' Total GajiPegawai Yang Harus Di bayaradalahRp. ',gaji); readln; write('inginulangiAplikasi(y/t) ? ');readln(kembali); ifupcase(kembali)='T' then donewincrt; end; end. |
Screen Layout Program
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